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Blog: Blog2

What is me?

The definition of IxD to me is two-phased: First of all, it is a discipline that well utilizes my skillset: aesthetic ability, craftsmanship, empathy, analytical area that completes me as a designer. Secondly, I regard it a refined version of design-thinking that unremittingly approaches the genuine truth behind real-life problems and creatively provides feasible solutions, which is an amazingly helpful mindset that can be implemented in almost every field and situation.

That said, I didn't enter the field of IxD out of thin air. Here's a longer version of how I find IxD the best harbor for my passion.

My passion for interaction design stems from several projects I did in college. In my sophomore year, I won an opportunity to redesign ‘CityU Mobile’, the official portal app of my school. So I utilized my User Research course to conduct an independent research on this project. Through this job, I felt a strong sense of fulfillment from applying theories and research to real-life products, and this satisfaction I get becomes a huge motivation for me.

My confidence has been strengthened a lot in venturing into the industry ever since. Apart from my craftsmanship, I became equally assured in my logical thinking, research skills and empathetic ability. Seeing my talents utilized is no doubt a pleasure.

Another reason (maybe weird) that draws me to the field is that, its nature of tailoring everything from pixel to wording really fits me as a control freak. Therefore, compared to other disciplines, I find interaction design a best choice for me.

Below is the IxD map of mine, created Sep.10 on the Foundations class and refined in the following weekend.



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