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Blog: Blog2

Choice of professional exploration topic

Updated: Oct 14, 2018

I'm using Prototyping to explore how Smart Homes (or SaaS Industry) can help Couples in Long Distance Relationship with Communication Barrier.

Me murmuring 'Darn it my sticky notes are going to occupy half of the whiteboard'.

When I was free-listing elements at the beginning of the professional exploration workshop, I recognized I really am curious, excited, and interested in MANY things. Below is the transcribed list of my very first pool:


  • Designers

  • Programmers

  • Couples in long-distance relationship

  • Online shoppers

  • Cat owners(or slaves to cat 😼)


  • Information leak

  • Shyness

  • Environmental sustainability

  • Inefficient info delivery/Communication barrier

  • Managing anxiety on one's own


  • Unmanned vehicle

  • Computer vision

  • Smart homes

  • Drones

  • Machine learning


  • Payment

  • Food

  • SaaS

  • Crowd funding

  • Fashion

  • Manufacturing


  • Data visualization

  • Prototyping

  • Sketching

  • Workshopping

  • Contextual research

Results of first screening on studio whiteboard

I did my first screening according to my familiarity with the topic, level of difficulty in user research, and estimated workload regarding a side project, leaving myself with...


  • Designers

  • Programmers

  • Couples in long-distance relationship

  • Online shoppers


  • Information leak

  • Shyness

  • Environmental sustainability

  • Inefficient info delivery/Communication barrier


  • Unmanned vehicle

  • Computer vision

  • Smart homes

  • Drones

  • Machine learning


  • Payment

  • Food

  • SaaS


  • Data visualization

  • Prototyping

The second screening was based on Julie Zhuo's suggestion: Combine things that I really enjoy and can really help me practice my skills. (Plus the public secret: Will it look appealing in my portfolio?) Picking a No.1 in every row was hard, but after putting everything on the passion-practice coordinates, this was my final result for professional exploration:

"I'm using Prototyping to explore how Smart Homes in SaaS Industry can help Couples in Long-Distance Relationship with Communication Barrier."

Archived sticky notes

I was reluctant to put any sticky note away, they were all full of possibilities! But the first two categories I decided on, PEOPLE and METHOD, played a crucial role in later decisions. Some of the elements just went weird with "Couples in long-distance relationship" and hard to "prototype".

Another issue I came across is that Smart Homes and SaaS somehow contradicts to each other. My plan is to pick one side after some initial research.

The whole workshop was a thrilling journey to explore my inner feelings towards all kinds of components in a design project: people, problem, technologies, industries, methods. I recognized myself both excited and nervous, sometimes even intimidated during the process -- there was a fear toward 'whether I could make this happen'. I'm curious about every item I wrote down but was not confident of my ability to develop a promising project around all of them, which was actually a common concern in many of my decision-making process. For a side project like this, I have the privilege to choose with my preferences, but I do hope I could rely less on 'feasibility' and go beyond my self-evaluation of capability.



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