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Orgs in the space

Companies, and organizations working in the space related to my topic:

How SaaS can help Couples in Long Distance Relationship with Communication Barrier.

The Center for the Study of Long Distance Relationships

The center presents all kinds of materials you need to maintain a happy and healthy long distance relationship, from research papers to recommended books. Their Long Distance Relationship Frequently Asked Questions 2018 (updated yearly) is a precious source of information for a deep dive into this issue. It informs me of what aspects to look into when dealing with the topic, and how are the communication barriers built in LDR.


By creating a simple, accessible product that empowers couples to love better, Lasting help people create healthier relationships with others and their own selves through the subscription service on their app, which is based on solid scientific research in the field.

Research at Lasting showcase the white papers in a friendly way.

The company also sells to employers as a wellness program, completing the map of a SaaS company.

"We needed something that was digital, personalized, affordable, research-based, and convenient, so that we could make this a daily habit."


Mend is a startup and a self-care app that guides and supports users through their breakup day-by-day. Subscription to the app offers daily audio training and a supportive, engaged community. Although Mend does not directly deal with LDR relationships, LDR is one of the specific target causes of breakups the app is helping with.

Additionally, as a startup, they have a detailed step-to-step documentation post of how to build a SaaS app.

"The version of Mend you can download in the App Store was the result of many months of hard work for our small and scrappy team."

The startup also has a proposition of audience and future goals:

"Right now I’m focused on being the best support to millennial women who are going through breakups. Obviously, heartbreak is a universal problem, so we have a lot of other people to help after that too. And then I’m thinking about non-romantic heartbreak, and other points in relationships and life when you need support…there’s a lot of mending to be done!"


Sandbox Family Communication, Inc deals with another type of separation of loved ones: military families. The inspiring part about this company is that it incorporates both online SaaS and offline logistics business: Sandboxx physically prints user's mail to family members, includes a return envelope, provides tracking and overnights it to recipients at any recruiting base. The app has a well-round eco-system from core mail delivery service to weekly updates on the recruit, flight and hotel booking, and community support.


Twine is the first savings app built for two. You can create individual or joint savings goals, then invite your partner to the app, turning “me” goals to “we” goals. Then the couple can select an investment portfolio (or save in cash) by connecting their banks to start saving up and making progress. This is how Twine works.

Twine hits the niche: Couples' needs for collaborative financial life, as it directly hooks with their future. Plus, saving for joint goals is strong enough a motivation to maintain continuous commitment and contribution.

"At Twine, we believe that a big part of living a happier financial life is how you choose to collaborate with others. That’s why the option to save up or invest towards shared goals has been a part of our DNA since day one."



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