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Blog: Blog2

25 Sketches about Digital Solutions x LDR

Updated: Nov 26, 2018

This week, I surveyed three friends who was or is in long distance relationships about their experience.

Two basic background questions:

  1. How long have you been in Long Distance Relationship (LDR) with your partner?

  2. Which city is your partner living in right now?

Then, I asked them to name a *thing* apart from Instant Messaging app that connects them and their partner during LDR. (Think broadly from tangible things like airplane, letters, physical touches to intangible things like an app or service you two use, phone calls, or even a ‘topic’ you always discuss.)

Follow-up questions about this *thing*:

  1. What’s the most happy/relieving part of this *thing*?

  2. Is there any block/unhappy moment in the process of this *thing*?

From these short interviews, I aimed to collect inspiration for a digital product that can serve the needs of LDR couples. So I dropped down key quotes, sketched their *thing* of connection, drew pain points and story boards, and generated a series of concepts for future ideation.





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