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Communication Barrier in LDR: Tree map + Ishikawa diagram

Above is the treemap + Ishikawa diagram I draw for the problem addressed in my professional exploration: communication barrier in long-distance relationship(LDR).

How I developed the Treemap

Referring from "Long Distance Relationship Frequently Asked Questions 2018" by Dr.Gregory Guldner, a leading authority on LDRs, I utilized the "5 Whys" method to investigate into the psychology behind communication barrier. There turned out to be a handful of fifth-level reasons, hence I categorized those reason statements into 3 groups: aspiration for now, aspiration for the future, and gut beliefs. The final result is digitally refined and illustrated to present the problem theme and the concept of "tree", as well as my negligible hope to add some autumn vibe to this seasonless October.

How I developed the Ishikawa diagram

I took the "The Separation Inventory" by Dr.Gregory Guldner, then extracted and put down the elements embedded in that questionnaire on my sketchbook. I tried to cluster all those elements, divide them into "objective" and "subjective" causes, and map the relationship among categories. The final result is refined digitally, combined with the Treemap.

Why they are useful?

Listing elements plus categorization allow me to see the major patterns in the problem of LDR. The Treemap uncovers different types of aspirations of an LDR couple, while the Ishikawa diagram offers a comprehensive view of agents in an LDR and how they might affect each other. Particularly, the Ishikawa diagram provides a generous number of perspectives for me to approach the problem. Instead of starting from a vague, general point, this enables me to see the niche. For example, a solution to finance-related causes could be a financing app that features money management on partner/family basis.



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